From Liyanz's. feedback I believe her when she says that children are also having senses of belonging and they understand more about their Tongan culture when they welcomed and looked at the Tongan Rugby Team through the cumputer. She also mentioned that the way to learn how to use computer is to access to computers. I believe in what she suggested not to have free access to internet. I think it is alright to use internet but to be supervised by an adult to make sure that the programme they access to is enhancing their learning. Because the early childhood curriculum emphasise on children's interests but children's accessing to internet must be supervised to make sure that what they do supports their learning and not bringing any problem to the children's future life. I am glad that Mel noticed how Tongan children and their parents are happy to welcome their team and if there was no computer children would not have this opportunity to see how their parents and relatives welcome the team. I am sure that children develop their social and.literacy skills when watching the arrival of the Tongan team through watching the computer. From this experience it encourages both children and myself to learn computer skills. Thank you Mel for reminding me about free computer courses but I believe I have enough to learn at the MIT classes and I will continue at free courses after this year.As Emma suggested to learn from other teachers at my center I believe it is a very big help to me to improve my computer skills. I do so and find it worthwhile. In the meantime I can only manage to concentrate in my assignments for the MIT couse and worry about improving my computer skills next year.
In my reflection two, Lyianz agrees with me to allow children in early childhood education to use electronic or digital technology because they help in all kinds of learning especially social and communication skills. The centre phone is not allowed to use by the children and I did not mean to let them use it like a toy but children can use them for communication like what my two children did at their long day at the centre. I think Mel felt the same as me about these two children because they arrive early at half past seven having their breakfast at the centre and leave at half past five in the afternoon. Luckily to enable them to use the centre phone help them feel a sense of belonging. I am glad that Melissa remind me about the other technologies which already filled up the centre. I am sure they all help at children's creativity and exploration. I can tell that these two children cannot wait to be picked up. Sure their day was too long and it is a pity that they are like that every day but luckily technology made their emotional needs met. I think I would should bring up the story of these two children at a staff and parents' meeting to show them the importance of technology in early childhood settings.
I sometimes think that using digital technology is very hard especially at my age because there were no digital technology when I went to high school in the island. Because I really enjoy working with the children I have decided not to give up and now I can learn simple things like typing, cut and paste, send and check emails, using blogs and find out information by googling which is very fantastic to me. I hope they will help me when working with children and then build up from this. I am sure that technology in early childhood settings are encouraging, enhancing and supporting children's learning. They are also fun and attract children's attention and interests. Feedback from my blog friends encourage me to keep on striving and learn more alongside others.
Why I say that cameras are a great way to build on social and relationship skills because children who are competent users can help others instead of the teachers. I sometimes notice that some children learn faster from friends than from teachers. It is a good idea that Emma suggested to go to electronic stores for donation of pretend models for our children to explore and play with them I believe what Emma says that "one man's junk is another man's treasure". I remember seeing some people during the big rubbish disposal time. They pick up rubbish from other people's house. I wonder whether they are treasure for themselves. Emma has really made me recall to that robot man when he used different metal stuff to build his robots. He was very creative indeed. Isn't he rich from all these rubbish? Isn't he wonderful? What do you think?
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